Normal Cardiovascular Exam by Board Certified Cardiologist - 04/02/2005
Normal Ophthalmic Exam by Board Certified Opthamologist - 04/02/2005
DOB: 06/08/2004



Getting Ready for the Field Trial
Are you talking to me?



03/04/05 - Okaloosa Kennel Club Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex Judge: Mr. Luc Boileau First Point !
03/05/05 - Pensacola Dog Fanciers Assoc. Reserve Winners Bitch/Best Puppy Judge: Mrs. Charlotte Patterson
04/01/05 - Cavaliers of the South, Atlanta, GA - 1st Place Sweepstakes Senior Puppy Bitch Judge: Jan Gallagher (Storyland Cavaliers, TX)
05/13/05 - Golden Triangle Kennel Club of MS - Winners Bitch Judge: Elaine Rigden 2 Points! |
06/05/05 - Louisiana Kennel Club - Winners Bitch Judge: Ms. Terri Lyddon 2 Points! |
12/05 - Atlanta Cavalier Show |
11/17/2005-MS Gulf Coast Toy Breed Club Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex
Judge: Mrs. Pamela B. Peat
2 Points!
03/04/06 - Pensacola Dog Fanciers Association - Winners Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex/Best Bred-By
Judge: Richard Mullen
3 Point Major!